Memorial Days
Anzac Day, Remembrance Day
On this page you will find ideas to help you plan your Anzac and Remembrance Day lessons.
I’ve search Youtube for ideas and tutorials for your Anzac Day lessons. There’s so many good crafts, songs, online lessons and more.
Check out all the crafts, books, teaching videos and lesson ideas here. They may be useful for your Remembrance Day lesson.
When COVID-19 came to town, all parades were cancelled so we organised a drive by parade just for our dear Pa. It was a hit with our community as they so wanted to express appreciation to Allan - a WW2 veteran. His parade even made the news. We were so happy he had such a special day, as in August 2020 our dear Pa passed on into heaven at the age of 98. We miss him very much.
This is a personal video that I have been wanting to make for years. Allan’s story of his best mate ‘Tubby King’ is one to be shared. This video features a speech that Allan’s youngest grandson gave at school. Pa was so proud of this speech, that he had it specially framed. The Lord’s timing for this special video was perfect, as Allan passed peacefully into glory later that year - 2020.