Memory Verse Ideas
One big thing I’ve realised over the years is that I should only teach a handful of memory verses for a whole year. Yes, that’s right. Gone are the lessons where I try to get kids to learn a new memory verse every week. Can we adults even do that? I surely can’t. Instead I choose 1 to 2 bible verses for each term and we review verses every week at the beginning of our lesson time. This way the kids are more likely to remember it for years to come. I remember one time at our local shop I ran into an 19 year old that I taught many years earlier. While we were catching up, he started quoting some of the verses he had learned in my 3rd grade Sunday School class. How awesome it that?
Jeremiah 29:11 is the verse I teach the first lesson of every year. If you have a minute, check out my tutorial showing you how to teach this memory verse using echoing and rhythm techniques. Once it is learned, I ask one or two of the children to lead the verse from the front of the class each week. They love leading this echo activity.
My focus has always been to choose verses that point to Jesus and the gospel. I love to use creative and unique strategies such as sign language, echoing, music, sketching, cheerleading, rhythm, dance, magic letters and just plain old fashioned repetition.
You can also download posters and colouring sheets to go with many of these memory verses from the printables page