Intro Lesson Ideas
At the beginning of the year, my first lesson is extremely important. It sets the tone and direction for the year ahead. What works best for me it to be as organised as possible before the children set foot in the room. Things like nametags, materials, technology, etc is something I like to have all ready to go. But most importantly, I want my first lesson to focus on getting to know the kids. My Intro lesson tutorial walks you through how I go about teaching my first lesson. It’s a winner every time and kids have fun and I do too.
This prayer idea is the most important tutorial that I have ever done for my channel. It is the thing that has made the most impact in all my years of teaching. If you have time to watch - please do. You can download the prayer example for free here
Here is my playlist of 14 short tutorials of all the elements that I use in my intro lesson. From showing how I prepare my teaching resources, my first hello, song, echo memory verse, game, birthday bag to an info sheet activity. Click on the intro link above and the playlist of short tutorials will play one after the other.
You can download many of the lesson plans, songs posters, and activity sheets used in my videos from the printables page.