Creation Lesson Ideas
I love teaching the bible creation story. Intuitively children know that something or someone had to create everything and the genesis account is so reassuring for children. It clearly shows that life is no accident and neither are they. They can learn and understand that all life has been created by a loving Creator who has good plans for them and the world around them. It also explains why good and bad exists in our world. I love all the questions that come when we are studying the Genesis creation story.
My playlist here has all my best ideas to help you out for teaching the creation story. Object lessons, songs, crafts, games, drama, videos, etc. Just click on the link and you can view short clips to help inspire you as you plan your lessons.
One of my most popular tutorials. A simple CREATION song to a familiar tune. I also have a song poster and creation games available for download here.
This playlist has 9 tutorials sharing my Creation book resource, songs, drama, storytime read alouds and demonstrations in reading ‘Who Created Everything’. I even show you how to make your own creation book.
The most asked question when teaching the creation story - WHO MADE GOD? In this tutorial I demonstrate a way to answer this question, plus you can find the full lesson plan on my PRINTABLES page.
You can download several songs posters, lesson plans and activity sheets used in my videos from the printables page.