Christmas Lesson Ideas
Every Sunday School teacher loves good Christmas lesson ideas. It’s the time of year where you can use a variety of fun, creative and meaningful activities. I like to start teaching the events of Jesus’ birth months beforehand so I can educate children about the important details leading up to Christmas. I strongly believe in teaching context of the scripture so that children don’t grow up thinking this is just a fairy tale. Below I have listed several playlists of tutorials to help inspire you as you plan your lessons.
My biggest playlist of Christmas ideas that I have. So many easy to view tutorials to help you plan engaging and meaningful lessons.
Here are some simple CHRISTMAS game ideas that work great for children, families, school classes, kids church, youth groups and Sunday School. There are games that are good for review and further teaching and work well with school and children's ministry.
This playlist has great songs and lyric videos for your class. A number of these also have song posters and coloring sheets that you can download from my website here
In this playlist there are many craft ideas for your lesson. I filmed these tutorials so you can easily see how to prepare and do them with kids.
You can download the printables for my Christmas activities on the printables page.